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BSC Code of Conduct

BSC Code of Conduct

Parents, Volunteers:

1.  I (and my guests) will encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect, courtesy and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators. 

2.  I (and my guests) will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent including, but not limited to: booing, taunting, or using profane language or gestures.

3.  I will teach and encourage my child to treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color or ability.

4.  I will respect the officials and coaches and their authority during games, including a request to leave the field.  I will not question or confront them at the field, and I will notify Club representatives if I have a problem with a coach, official or other parent.

5.  I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.

6.  I understand that BSC requests families and guests to not use ALCOHOL, TOBACCO Products or E-DEVICES/E-CIGARETTES of any kind at club activities.

7.  I understand that BSC requests families and guests not to bring pets of any kind to club activities.


Players / Participant:

1.  I will not use offensive or abusive language at practices or matches.

2.  I will not intentionally harm or threaten coaches, teammates, opponents, or referees.

3.  I will not engage in bullying, harassment, or hazing during any sanctioned program, activities or event by Boyertown Soccer Club.

4.  I will respect the officials and coaches and their authority during games, including a request to leave the field.  I will not question or confront them at the field, and I will notify Club representatives if I have a problem with a coach, official, parent or other player.

5.  I will comply with all town, club & league zero tolerance policies.

6.  There is a zero tolerance policy of fighting in any form.



1. I will abide by the Code of Conduct applicable to parents, volunteers, as stated above.

2. I will emphasize skill development over winning.

3.I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the emotional and physical health and well-being of the athletes, and I will notify the Club of any injury or incident where a child is seriously injured.

4. I will teach the players to play by the laws of the game and to resolve conflicts without resorting to name calling, taunting, hostility or violence.

5. I will respect the officials and other coaches and their authority during games.  I will not question or confront them at the field. Instead, I will speak with them at an appropriate and agreed upon time and place, or contact one of the Club’s board members or the Club’s designated representative to address any problems I may have with a coach, an official, a player, or a parent.



I further agree that any alleged violation of these rules may result in my being asked to leave the field upon the request of an official or the Club’s designated representative present at the field, and following any such dismissal from the field or a report of an alleged violation, the Club, through its Board or designated representative may, at its sole discretion, investigate the alleged violation; if it is determined that I have violated this Code of Conduct, the Club, at its sole discretion, may remove me as a participant or spectator and/or suspend me from attending games for the remainder of a season or a portion thereof.  In the event of a second violation of the Code of Conduct, the Club at its sole discretion may revoke future participation in any Club program both for the violator and the immediate family members of that individual.